Friday, December 26, 2014

Pick A Side!

We are a few days away from a New Year. Meaning bring on all the post about leaving all bad things behind and only taking what's good into the new year. Us as people I guess need that extra push to propel ourselves forward not realizing that with every morning we wake we have a fresh start at that exact moment. To be honest we don't even need a new morning, we have the power to change our surroundings and control our views and responses to things as they happen. But most times we refuse to acknowledge this power we have thinking it will require some dramatic event to solidify the changes we want to make.

So let's look over our past year while we are on the subject. Do you feel as if this last year everything that could have went wrong did? Were you tested beyond what you thought you could bear? How did you handle the downfalls? How did you overcome and when did you realized that you would recover? 

If you noticed nowhere in those questions did I ask if you have overcome your obstacle. I didn't because the question is irrelevant. One fact remains the same in every obstacle we face or have faced you will/did overcome. So if we already know the outcome to every trial we face why do we find ourselves with the spirit of defeat in the midst of our trials?

This realization hit me the hardest this week and that was when I had to make  the choice to change my mindset with facing downfalls. I have been guilty of feeling as if my whole world was upside down over minor trials such as money problems to dealing with the obstacle of never feeling good enough for any man.  I would sulk and cry for much longer than what was needed and then it would happened.... I got over it! 

Listen.... LIFE ISNT FAIR! And nobody is exempt from failures or insecurities. But if we only would realize that our failures are meant for our good as well. The very thing you are struggling with and crying about having to endure is what you are meant to overcome to build your character. The moment we embrace this we can then began to figure out the purpose behind our downfalls and grow from them. 

So the charge I make to myself and others that feel moved by this post. Pick your side. You can either be victorious or a victim. Can't be both. Victims mope and cry about all unfairness they are dealt. They can't move forward cause they are still stuck on how this "tragic" situation has deeply affected them. They usually are searching for sympathy and for everyone to know their feelings behind the wrong that was done to them. They allow the situation to have all the power and control instead of them controlling the situation by changing their view on it. Victims majority of the time are negative and are always in need of "assistance" or a "hero" Hence the name victim. Victorious people always see the silver lining, they accept all failures and obstacles and understand that they will come. This doesn't mean they don't feel sad, they just refuse to stay that way. They don't allow unwanted circumstances to control their world but instead they overcome the circumstances and allow the trials to make them a better person and not a bitter one.

As you can see both sides deal with trials only thing that is different is their view and attitude towards the trials. Which group are you? Any of these characteristics sounding familiar? Is your mindset working for you? If it is working and you know you are overcoming I encourage you keep at it! If it has not worked for you and you find yourself still struggling with something that you know you should have gotten over by now. I encourage you to reevaluate your views and begin to change them. Year 2015 isn't needed to begin this change but if you need that extra push you have a few days to figure it out before the ball drops. Let's not go another minute another hour another day or another year with these toxic mindsets. Your crown is waiting.... 

With Love 

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