Being the victim of identity theft is one of the scariest situations to be in. Want to know how I know, I am currently in this situation. On yesterday evening as I returned from Walmart , my hands were full I unlocked the door to my apt and walked in, leaving my keys in my door. This morning as I was trying to leave my apt for church, I realized my mistake. After not being able to find my keys I called the police. Once they arrived the worst was confirmed. My car was still parked outside but everything else was stolen out of it. Clothes that I planned to donate from when I moved, bags, and my wallet with all my cards and my identity in it.
At 27 I had never experience this level of fear and uncertainty and even as I write this, I'm dealing with it the best that I can. The impact of someone taking from you is far deeper then just the lost of material things. I felt that I lost myself in the span of a few hours and that the cost to recover would be overwhelming. Im an out of state resident that cant leave her home because I cant even lock my doors. With no money or means to get anywhere you feel trapped and alone and find your self barely holding on to your faith.
Then I was reminded of a posting I put up on Facebook just Friday from Touré and Sarah Jakes Roberts. “Wake up knowing that God is holding back everything negative! If its in your path its because you’ve been predestined to overcome it. It will not overcome you” Now that is hard to believe because everything that is consider negative did happen I know. I’ve lost a lot yes, but not everything. I still have my car with a quarter tank of gas. My cards and a few dollars are gone, but just cause my funds are unreachable at the moment doesn't mean that its lost. My identity was stolen but not my life and the creator of my identity is STILL in control.
So what do you do when it seems your identity is lost/stolen? Even though mine was physically stolen you may can relate because you know you have lost yours or it was “taken”. You have been dealing with the lost emotions and feelings of emptiness and still have your drivers license in your pocket. You have been seeking who you are through temporary things or worse you have been seeking your identity through people. To the point that you realized the image you see isn't of you but a fraud trying to pose as you. And you wonder why it is so difficult to maintain, its because you are trying to force an identity that isn't yours! It much deeper than a identification card and and SSN, identity is who someone is, their qualities, beliefs. And you my love are committing identify fraud.
Now the answer, turn back to the one who created you and gave you your identify. Matthew 5:48 reads “In a word, what I’m saying is, Grow up. You’re kingdom subjects. Now live like it. Live out your God-created identity. Live generously and graciously toward others, the way God lives toward you.” (MSG version) If you have no idea where to start, what to do, or where to turn. He is answer, the only one who can revealed your true identity. We are created in his image so to know yourself you have to know him first. As I had to cancel cards and stop any future unauthorized payments, God will cancel and remove all the unnecessary things and people and stop any future hindrances that aren't authorized by him. As I will receive replacement cards for all that were stolen, God will also replace your temporary living with a more permanent fulfilling lifestyle. We all know temporary cards expire and are just a filler until the actual card comes. We know its temporary because it doesn't even come with our name on it. Some of us need to realize the date has already expired on our “temp card” identities and activate the new one.
As I wrote this post the burden lifted a little from me and I pray that it encourages those that can relate. The process to retrieve all that was lost or stolen wont be easy for me and I wont lie and say it would be easy for you. But it is a fight worth fighting for and God is right there with you. And the best thing of all is God already won the victory so that tells you what your outcome will be. Pray for me as I will do the same for you.
You are absolutely right love!!